
Thursday, 30 August 2007

Media blitz? and other random bits

Well a media blitz might be terming it a little too strong, but the result of Muddler Press launch is now rippling through.... with some exciting news about the national papers. This is the 'news' (almost literally) so far:

1. National Bartender - a small feature (or couple of hundred words) on Muddler has gone into the August edition. We are still trying to track down a copy, but it all sounds like good news.

2. The Publican - one of the leading titles (probably between this and one other) for the on-trade (pubs/ bars/ clubs etc) and apparently 'Proud of Pubs'. They have written a third of a page on the merits of Muddler (and referred to this very blog) and included some of our marketing material:

To read the article please take a look at the Publican website.

(I'm not that happy that Henry keeps on reminding me that he has been quoted in the press and I haven't been.... nothing to do with him writing the Press Release and taking the better quote then!).

3. The Daily Mail - The journos at the national paper have spoken to Henry a couple of times and have confirmed that they are putting us in the Fashion section next Monday (3rd September). We are not sure what they are saying or how big the piece is (we are assuming thumbnail size). But we are fairly sure that they are including a picture of the bottle (as they requested one). Henry and Alex (our designer) being perfectionists, were not really happy with the previous bottle photos, so an impromptu photo shoot was convened and the resultant brilliant shot is below:

I was just relieved to hear that it was in the Fashion section and not a piece on the negative effects of alcohol or underage drinking (which would be unfair as we have done everything possible to make our drink for mature alcohol drinkers). So it is fingers crossed for Monday to see what the result is.

4. Caterer and Licensee - A piece should be going in their forthcoming edition.

We are currently having conversations with some other publications and we are about to bombard some more publications with the wonders of the Muddler media pack (which is mostly the product itself).

So a big thank you must go to our good friend Gavin Gomez who gave us a clue as to what a Press Release is! Also to Noules (of Aussie Jimmy and Noules fame) for always telling us that PR was the answer.

So are we becoming media darlings? I doubt it, I'm still in my shorts and unshaven as I write this, so I don't think the Paps are camped outside my flat quite yet. Anyway, it was never about celebrity status, Henry and I have specifically not applied to a myriad of business TV shows etc as this was never about us. People tell us that the blog and website allow them to have a good chuckle at our expense but we just want to show people the inner workings of our young company and if that involves people laughing at me... it won't be the first time!... or the last.

Apologies, it has been a week since we really put anything up on the blog so there is some other news....

Website - there were a number of (mainly minor) enhancements that we wanted to make to the website (and a couple of typos) so myself and Alex have pulled this together and last night we released a new version of the site. The changes are subtle (the site had gone down pretty well in the first place) but we hope you like them (for example the new photo of the bottle is now on the homepage). I hope to change the look of this blog soon to make it more Muddlerish.

Events/ Catering companies - we are beginning to get some traction with a number of the London events/ catering companies. Henry and I agreed that when we used to live in the corporate world the company functions often seem repetitive. As you walked in to a function the opening drink was always one of the rather uninspiring collection of Champagne, Pimms or Bucks Fizz and made events feel very similar. With the success of Muddler at weddings etc we know that this is a drink that almost everyone likes to get a party started. Later in the evening it is always good to have to hand when you are dancing the night away. So having targeted this sector we are beginning to see some good interest. So if you are organising an event or just attending one this Christmas you should be asking 'Have you got some of that Muddler Cocktail stuff?' you may be pleasantly surprised by the reply.

V Festival - I will put up embarrassing photos of me at the V Festival (northern branch) on my next post... this was a great event I attended with some hedonistic input from Paul Dixon (aka Dee), Kelly & Gav.

Weddings - The wedding (and associated Stag do) season has finally come to an end for me and Henry. Last Friday saw the the marriage of Hazel and Rob in Sussex. A great do, in a fantastic location that meant the wedding had a really fun and positive atmosphere (its great to see two people who work so well together). There was also plenty or real ale which kept Henry and I entertained. We've seen a lot of our Manchester University Geography crew this year and to be quite honest... it has been great (jugs of water over my head aside). It's not over yet, December will see us at the annual re-union weekend away (the only time we normally see each other each year).

On a random plug, if you haven't done so you should check out the amazing King Jacks which contains one of the University lot (Phil Newby) they are awesome and their new single (out in October I believe) has an unbelievably catch riff in it that Henry and I can frequently be heard humming. Check them out here (and listen to the single) - www.myspace.com/kingjacksmusic

I think I've rambled on enough today about what we've been up to, so what is coming up...

Oddjob - An old work colleague of mine, Chris Jackson, is having his thirtieth this weekend. I wouldn't normally mention stuff like this, but it's fancy dress. As it now says on the website I love an excuse to dress up as my alter ego, Oddjob for fancy dress.... whatever the theme (this time it is supposed to be 80s so maybe I'll add eye-liner to the effect). So the question is, how much will I look like Oddjob:

Photos to follow next week...

Rugby World Cup - As a man obsessed with rugby, this should be a time of me getting excited for the Rugby World Cup that kicks off in just 8 days. Although as an England fan, I'm slightly nervous at the prospect of being embarrassed this time around. I've got tickets for every round of the England games (now right up to the final) so fingers crossed for a strong performance. So this means a number of shorter Muddler working weeks for me to hop across the channel to soak up the atmosphere... Will I be the only man actually taking booze (Muddler) to France? I'm sure the photos will tell too many tales... I'll make sure that they get put up here.

The next question is will I write more often... I hope so, but there are so many things to do, like sorting out the Oddjob costume that take up my time! But I promise to improve.

Don't forget to take a look in the Daily Mail on Monday....


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