
Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Henry and Rupert each make it into their favourite magazines

We're currently going through a spell of inward facing work as we get the company lined up for hitting the UK market in force next year. Everything is being considered in the light of the successes of the last 6 months and how we can widen the availability of Muddler Cocktails. As open as we are we don't want too give to much away (we know there are some people looking at this blog so that they can copy our success). But rest assured that the first people to know what we are going to be up to will be the readers of the blog (and those who catch Henry or I out with a drink in our hands).

If you fancy trying some new alcoholic drinks, how about trying the Wine show (http://www.wineshow.co.uk/) which starts tomorrow evening. This event showcases wines from around the world and is supposed to have good food to boot. We've always said that Muddler is an alternative to a glass of wine or a spirit and mixer, so Henry and I are going to go and enjoy some of that alternative tomorrow night. This is a big event and the culmination of a year's worth of work by my mate Chuck, so I'm sure he'll have a slurp or two of vino to celebrate the opening night.

Chuck is one of the guys I play rugby with (and have done for too many years now) so whilst mentioning him... I'll also say hello to the Rosslyn Park Hatters who continue to excel on the field (even with me holding them back). Their enthusiasm for Muddler is kind of enforced by me, but they are working on how to squeeze as much PR out as possible for Muddler Cocktails. Thanks must go to Pat who continues to blatantly abuse our match reports for Muddler Publicity. This is the most blatant:
(the top of page 4) but there are plenty of others... I think someone got Muddlered this week in a game.... could we be creating a new word?

Anyway, Henry hasn't been slouching on the PR and has been going on to me for months about his favourite magazine, Dare, and how we should explain to them the wonders of our Muddler Cocktails. Once he had explained to me that Dare was only avaliable in Superdrug (just next to his hair care products apparently) we agreed that it was the way to go. So if you are in Superdrug look out for November's Dare:

and we're on page 83:

Another good piece, and we know the magazine is being read as we've already had our first consumer email about it and the mag has only been out for a few days. Another quick mention, thanks to Lil Gav for pointing us in the right direction with Dare magazine.

So on to my PR achievements. I hope you are sitting down at this point.... this is the big one!

We've made it all they way to the Old Stortfordian.

What? You don't know about this publication. Let me explain, it is my schools old boys newsletter:

This is the school that I went to for 11 years and Henry spent a gap year being beaten up by small children.

So here you go, here's the piece:

So just wait for the next Muddler Blog to see if Henry has been able to better my PR in the Old Stortfordian.


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